miércoles, 28 de julio de 2010

*Advertisement Signs Presentation*

Advertisement Signs
• to learn and understand different vocabulary from the Advertisement.
• to provide students with listening and visual information to practice the new vocabulary.

Level – Intermediate

This lesson presents a series commercials with different context and new vocabulary. Students focus on the vocabulary, the context and creativity of the commercials. Students then do the practice and act to a better understanding of the vocabulary.
• Different types of videos (ads)
• A series of pictures
• Different types of products

Teacher presents different videos from different companies around the world.
-Ariston (washer machine)
-Doritos (superbowl 2010)
-Doritos crash (superbowl 2010)
-Motorola with Megan Fox (superbowl 2010)
-Snikers with Betty White (Superbowl 2010)
-Top 10 b toest commercials
Students will discuss which the most creative ad was, give an opinion about the ads, and try to remember an interesting commercial from Costa Rica.

The teacher asks students to form four groups of six people in each one. Then, the teacher gives one product to each group, for example a shampoo, and they must prepare a commercial with that product ans perform it in front of the class (at least 1 minute each ad) and at the ned the best commercial win all the brand new products presented.

Teacher presents some pictures about an add of soda, students have to observe the pictures and try to guest what they are doing and talking about the beverage.

Students observe the pictures for some minutes and then they have to read and answer the questions about the pictures.

1. What is the girl doing in the first picture? How does she feel?
2. Where is the girl going in the second picture?
3. What is the girl doing in the third picture?
4. Who is the boy in the fourth picture? Does he know the girl?
5. What do the boy and girl say to each other in the fifth picture?
6. How does the boy feel when he drinks from the can in the sixth picture?
7. The boy and girl hold hands in the seventh picture. Where are they going? What are they going to do now?
8. What is the slogan for Citrus Shine? Do you think it is good?
9. What kind of music should go with this advertisement?

On the board are set some names of different brands with global impact around the world, which everybody have listen before its slogans, the students have to take some papers which are face down, when they take one, have to match the slogan with the correct brand
Read the idea of famous slogans and tell you the product.
I’m loving it. (McDonald’s)
Just do it. (Nike)

Students listen a commercial about Carpet Cleaning. They have to find the information to answer the questions from the aspects the person in the record is giving.

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

The meaning of motivation is something that arouses action or activity. And in the learning process of English we need a lot motivation for our students and be motivate ourselves.
Our attitude is going to be reflecting in our classes and our students. As a good teacher´s attitude we need to love what we do. We need to reflect the entire good attitude in the activities and the actions. As teachers we need to have a good relation with the students to bring more interest to the language.

Innovation in any class is an important aspect. Our expectation as teachers is want to motivate the students to learn English or other subject in a different and active way. And every single day in our work we think, what can be a good innovation? Or, what we can do to get students attention?and with different innovations that the articles exposed like: The British Council’s international development work, The notional –functional syllabus, The process syllabus, The natural approach, The procedural syllabus, Task –based language teaching, The context based approach. Also, teachers needs some advice or strategies to get students attention like: no to the routine, be act, a good atmosphere, participation of students, interactions between teacher and students, etc. The innovation need to be everyday in our class because is a special way to shoe the students how important is to learn.

domingo, 13 de junio de 2010

“Innovate approaches to language teaching”

The phrase “innovative approaches to language teaching” means that new methods are introduced in teaching during a lesson in the class. Teachers can find many resources (projector, laptop, videos, speakers, labs, CD, tv.) that technology has helped to improve with in all the innovation that is found nowadays. The source that is in websites, for example, in productivity and the creation of materials to be used in the classroom to develop a lesson is to improve the quality of the lesson in which the students have the opportunity to grow in several aspects of life and learning. Also, it is important to mention that using innovation in class the cultural aspects, as well as, customs, idioms, and social factors can be introduced to students to learn and to illustrative new environments that can be unknown and the experience and knowledge they can get from other countries will be important.
The systematic and socio cultural factors affect the implementation of innovation It has improved the level of economical significance. As a resource it has to be with innovation of materials, books published online, learning methods, and also sharing materials, ideas, and methodology. If teachers get involved in a system in which they cannot explore, discover, feel motivated, and their ideas are not shared, then the lesson will be so magisterial and the student will loss the opportunity of expressing.
Other factors that are considered that can mediate the possibility of change is the syllabus and MEP, because it is so clear with the objectives that must be covered during the school years. Most of the time, the innovation is not allowed because of the explicit and strict objectives teachers have to follow. Even though, teachers are pushed to innovate to create materials. In most high schools in our country innovation is a tool that can be implemented when the teacher brings her or his materials and use them in class.
The interest of parents, first of all, to implement new ways to use technology is very important. For example, the students can present a homework making use of internet, e-mails, or memory data cards which are also a good way to complement in the class and help the nature because will reduce in high amount on pollution and waste or resources as paper.
Nowadays educators are fewer optimists in regard to innovation in education because of the economical situation the teachers face. In this way, technology is very expensive and the government does not supply schools with technological resources to innovate and improve in class.
The schools must be interested in acquire and supply of technological resources such as computers, projectors, internet access. With this it supports to the teachers to use innovation in class giving facilities which are some of the things we use to teach in our lessons.
In fact innovation is a tool that is used by many professionals in the field of education because of the facilities regarding to planning, grammar exercises, materials, videos, listening exercises, and flash cards, for example that help in the teaching and learning process. Actualize teachers and make them develop skills to succeed in the class.
The approaches that can be focused in the needs of adult learners are the Task Based, the communicative approach and the total physical response. Because these approaches help the student to acquire vocabulary, spontaneous participation, and the student have the opportunity to improve in all areas at same time is learning and be motivated because the goal for adults is to communicate quickly in areas they feel need to be developed and have mature ideas about the language.
The innovation promotes the process of syllabus giving to students and teachers facilities to develop the class and improve the quality of it. Through innovation the lessons are more communicative and participative. The knowledge students acquire and forcing them to use technology to work with in the class. To vary the system not turning it as monotonous as it is sometimes because of the MEP’s syllabus.
Some factors that can impede the learning progress in target language are: the economical. Many students feel that because of the bad economical situation they face they cannot use resources and must accept what the teacher brings in to develop the lessons. The society sometimes reject people because do not have the opportunities before of improving and nowadays people must be aware of technological advances and skills to work with it. Parents lack of interest in innovation. Some parents do not agree in new methods so they prefer the antique was of teaching pointing that are cheaper and force students to memorize. The motivation is very important. If the class is dynamic the students feel much better with in the process of learning. Students love when they are acting and improving and see reflected their results as positive goals.
The aspects propose the natural approaches are to introduce three kind of activities while developing a lesson which are the pre-production, production, and speech emergence. The pre-production consists of listening activities to understand by contextual guess, visuals, and mimes, as an example. The production is originated when the student recognizes a big amount of vocabulary and starts making questions. The speech emergence is when the students use games and so on in which the participation becomes part of the lesson. They can ask and give information regarding to any topic in class.

Some factors that can affect the curricular innovation are the infrastructure of schools, lack of interests from teachers, parents, students, and authorities of education. Some other factors can be the poor resources that are faced by teachers, students, and schools. Another factor can be when teachers feel stressed when they have to use technology.

Teacher’s attitude

This interview was done to 15 students that are coursing the eighth grade in high school. The ninety percent (90%) of the students believe that some situations that can affect the student’s motivation are the interest the teacher put on them and their personal problems. Another important observation here is that the students consider that motivation from the teacher is very important as well as the attitude of the teacher. The other five percent (5%) points that the student interest in learning is more important than other factors.
In general the think that the way lessons are developed, the attitude of teachers, boring methods to teach, lack of technological resources to develop a lesson, and the classmates’ attitude are the factors that are affecting students motivation in the school.
The opinions about if they consider the teacher’s attitude in classroom can affect students is that of course it produces lack of interest in students, sometimes students drop school because of teachers fail in their interest on them, teachers do not help students sometimes and do not care about their problems, the way the teacher explains the topics and the interest from the teacher is not adequate in one hundred percent (100 %) of the students.
Seventy five (75%) of students point as main aspects teachers must be aware in order to foster student’s desire to learn are mainly creativity, authority, to have adequate control and discipline in the class, to innovate new learning styles.
Ninety percent (90%) of students consider that the relationship professor-student must be with authority, respect, comprehension, and to be friendly because in this way the students have confidence and feel relax in class.
A hundred percent (100%) of students consider that a good relationship between student-professor can give students confident in classroom because with this they feel motivated, interested, and sometimes it facilitates the process of learning.
As a conclusion, students think that having good relationship with the teacher helps them to improve as well as the interest of the teacher working in the class. If the teacher works and innovate the lesson, it will be more dynamic and successful.

viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010


Anne Sullivan is an excellent example for every person around the world that want to leave the past behind and make a productive future for themselves and other people.
She had a complicated life. She suffered since she was a child. First, with her family that was separated for her mother and father problems. Second, she experienced an ill that took her vision for a while. Thanks to the ill she discovered that she had the need of helped persons with different communication problems. With her effort she came up with a tapping machine to teaching how to writing. Also, she discovered that a person with communication problems can reproduce the same vibrations by touching the throat of other person when is talking.
Anne Sullivan spent her life teaching people with communication problems because she knew how it felt be with this problem and be against them. In addition, she did not wanted other people to suffer the same as her. She loved the act of helped persons.


I am a teacher
I was born the first moment that a question leaped from the mouth of a child.
I have been many people in many places.
I am Socrates exciting the youth of Athens to discover new ideas through the use of questions.
I am Anne Sullivan tapping out the secrets of the universe into the outstretched hand of Hellen Keller.
I am Aesop and Has Christian Anderson revealing truth through countless stories.
I am Marva Collins fighting for every Child´s right to an Education.
I am Mary McCleod Bethune building a great college for my people, using orange crates for desks.
And I am Bel Kaufman struggling to go Up the down Staircase.
The names of those who have practiced my profession ring like a hall of fame for humanity… Booker T Washington, Buddha, Confucius, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Leo Buscaglia, Moses and Jesus.
I am also those whose names and faces have long been forgotten but whose lessons and character will always be remembered in the accomplishments of their students.